Short-term Loans (Maximum 6 months)

We avail short-term loans in a very short time and at competitive rates.

The short-term loans are ideal for customers who want to address their short-term liquidity needs such as school fees, anniversaries, medical bills, tax obligations, asset purchase, etc.

To access short-term loans one requires submitting the following alongside the application form.

  • Bank statement of past 4 months
  • National ID, Passport or Employment ID/Voters card / Other ID
  • 2 Passport size photos
  • Employment contract/confirmation letter
  • Business licenses (for companies & trading business)

Other requirements: –

  1. Above SHS 3m
    – Land title – Urban land; with value 3 times the loan amount applied for
    – Payment of search fees for land
    – Land inspection & verification (at applicant’s cost)
    – Borrower’s postdated cheques.
  2.  Between SHS 1m and SHS 3m
    – Vehicle Log book; with value 3 times the loan amount applied for
    – Vehicle inspection & caveating (at applicant’s cost)
    – Borrower’s postdated cheques


  • In all cases one must be recommended by a PLC director, employee, current PLC client in good books / standing or a credible employer.
  • Home/business visitation done

 PLC Salary Loans

We also avail salary loan to employees of approved organisations / Public institutions that have signed the memorandum of understanding with us.

The qualifying organizations must: –

  • Be registered.
  • Have a minimum number of 20 permanent employees.
  • Have been in business for more than five years without any bankruptcy threats.
  • Not be involved in illegal trading and gambling business.

Main features of Salary Loans:

  • Monthly charge is 5% covering interest and other charges.
  • One off processing / application fee of 2% of loan amount (includes insurance fees).
  • Minimum loan amount of 500,000 /=
  • Maximum loan amount is 10,000,000 /=
  • Repayment period of 3 – 24 Months


  • Manageable loan installments base on the borrower’s net salary.
  • Loan processed within 2 days
  • Top up loan available
  • Regular payments but lump-sum payments is negotiable


The following documentation needs to be attached to the loan application form

  • Current pay slips (3 months)
  • Bank statement (3 months)
  • Appointment letter
  • Confirmation letter
  • Letter of understanding from employer to guarantee monthly deductions and transfer of amounts to PLC investments Ltd account from borrower’s salary and any terminal benefits in case of change of employment
  • Identity card from current employer & voters card.
  • A sketch map to borrower’s residence.


We help organizations facing significant commercial and operational challenges to satisfy the needs of their shareholders while driving down the cost of doing business in much tighter and more complex regulation.


No matter where you are in life, it’s never too late to make saving a priority.

The first step on your savings journey should be to open a savings account and begin setting aside a portion of your pay as an emergency fund. While your savings goal will vary depending on your salary and expenses, having roughly six months of living expenses saved up is ideal. Start with a smaller goal of saving a given sum of money regularly and keep building on it.

Saving Checklist
The earlier you start saving, the more time your money has to grow. Use the checklist below to make sure you’re on the right track
Start saving. If you haven’t begun to build your savings, your primary goal should be to initiate a savings plan like Retirement or investment.
Create a budget. Start by creating a budget for you to see where opportunities for additional savings may lie. If you make managing your money a priority now, saving for the future will be simple.
Manage your debt. Funnel as much as you can to pay off what you owe and don’t take on any new debt. Once you’re out of the red, consider putting the money you were using to pay off your debt toward your savings goals.
Build an emergency fund. Set aside some cash for emergencies so you aren’t tempted to reach for credit when unexpected costs arise.

First and foremost, saving money is important because it helps protect you in the event of a financial emergency. Additionally, saving money can help you pay for large purchases, avoid debt, reduce your financial stress, leave a financial legacy, and provide you with a greater sense of financial freedom.


Our property assets are focused on providing property specific solutions to maximize the value of assets.  Our approach to property management and real estate sales assures each client of individualized, detail-oriented care.